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Tea Dyed Tea Towel

Tea Dyed Tea Towel Ingredients:

Tea Plant 10 Tea Plants
Flask 3 Flasks
Wool 28 Wool
Fine Wool 4 Fine Wool
Golden Fleece 10 Golden Fleece

Power Needed: Power 9 Power
Sell for: Coins 15,520 Coins
Reward: 181 Experience 181 XP

Recipe Data

When making a Tea Dyed Tea Towel, if you have any of the recipes below, they will be used before raw ingredients are used.

Recipe Ingredients
Wool Bolt Wool Bolt Wool 8 Wool Experience XP 5
Wool Thread Spindle Wool Thread Spindle Wool 6 Wool Fine Wool 2 Fine Wool Experience XP 5
Golden Thread Golden Thread Golden Fleece 5 Golden Fleece Wool 6 Wool Fine Wool 2 Fine Wool Experience XP 14
Tea Dye Tea Dye Tea Plant 10 Tea Plants Flask 3 Flasks Experience XP 26
Tea Towel Tea Towel Wool 28 Wool Fine Wool 4 Fine Wool Golden Fleece 10 Golden Fleece Experience XP 66

Price ingredients of Tea Dyed Tea Towel would fetch at market

Ingredients Sell Price
Tea Plant 10 Tea Plants Coins 4,160 Coins
Flask 3 Flasks n/a
Wool 28 Wool Coins 2,520 Coins
Fine Wool 4 Fine Wool Coins 600 Coins
Golden Fleece 10 Golden Fleece Coins 1,250 Coins
Total Market Price of Ingredients: Coins 8,530 Coins
Profit Above Market Price: Coins 6,990 Coins
