FarmVille 2 Wiki

Sweet Potato
Sweet Potato
Requirement:Xp Level 30
Cost:Coins 100 Coins
Water Required:Water 1 Water
Growing Time:Clock 8 hours
XP Gained:13 Experience 13 XP
Mastery:Yellow Mastery Ribbon 50
Red Mastery Ribbon 250
Blue Mastery Ribbon 1400
Resource:Sweet Potato Sweet Potato
Resource Value:Coins 206 Coins
Turn into Feed:Feed 13 Feed

Sweet Potatoes are vegetable crops available in FarmVille 2. The seeds can be bought in the General Store for Coins 100 Coins after the player has reached Xp Level 30.

After watering the plot with Water 1 Water the Sweet Potatoes grow for Clock 8 hours and are ready for harvesting after that. Each harvested Sweet Potato can be sold for Coins 206 Coins, used for Recipes such as Sweet Potato Pie Sweet Potato Pie and Stuffed Dumpling Squash Stuffed Dumpling Squash or crushed in the Feed Mill to make Feed 13 Feed for the Animals.


Mastery Amount Needed for Ribbon
Yellow Mastery Ribbon 297
Red Mastery Ribbon 1075
Blue Mastery Ribbon 3375

Harvesting Bonuses[]

100%Sweet Potato
  • Harvest by a visitor grants an additional Sweet Potato.
  • Harvest of a fertilized crop grants an additional Sweet Potato.

Recipes Including Sweet Potato[]

Recipe Ingredients Level Coins XP
Stuffed Dumpling Squash Stuffed Dumpling Squash Dumpling Squash 8 Dumpling Squashes Sweet Potato 6 Sweet Potatoes 178 Experience 178 Coins 22,110 112 Experience 112
Sweet Potato Pie Sweet Potato Pie Sweet Potato 10 Sweet Potatoes Wheat 8 Wheat Milk 2 Milk 30 Experience 30 Coins 3,750 36 Experience 36