FarmVille 2 Wiki

Roasted Soy Beans & Chilli

Roasted Soy Beans & Chilli Ingredients:

Soybean 12 Soybeans
Egg 10 Eggs
Brown Egg 10 Brown Eggs
Salt 3 Salt

Requires: Xp Level 105
Sell for: Coins 12,170 Coins
Reward: 138 Experience 138 XP

Recipe Data

Price ingredients of Roasted Soy Beans & Chilli would fetch at market

Ingredients Sell Price
Soybean 12 Soybeans Coins 3,600 Coins
Egg 10 Eggs Coins 600 Coins
Brown Egg 10 Brown Eggs Coins 900 Coins
Salt 3 Salt n/a
Total Market Price of Ingredients: Coins Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Coins
Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Coins Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Coins
