FarmVille 2 Wiki

Red Spotted Shorthorn Mini Cow
Baby Red Spotted Shorthorn Mini CowRed Spotted Shorthorn Mini Cow
Cost Baby:Farm Bucks 30 Farm Bucks
Raise Baby Animal:Baby Bottle 8 Baby Bottles
Sell Baby:Coins 500 Coins
Sell Adult:Coins 1,000 Coins
Sell Prized:Coins 2,000 Coins
Feeds Required:Feed 8 Feed
XP Gained:21 Experience 21 XP
Resources:Clotted Cream Clotted Cream
Next Feeding:Clock 4 Hours
Feeding until Prized:Feeding 45 Feedings
Feeding Prized
XP Gained:32 Experience 32 XP
Resource:Swiss Cheese Swiss Cheese
Next Feeding:?Clock 18 hours

The Red Spotted Shorthorn Mini Cow is an animal that is available in FarmVille 2 as a prize every time players earn enough Ribbon Wands in the Maypole. A baby Red Spotted Shorthorn Mini Cow can be bought for Farm Bucks 30 Farm Bucks after the first one has been won. The Baby Red Spotted Shorthorn Mini Cow takes Baby Bottle 8 Baby Bottles to become an adult.

Produced Resources[]

The Adult Red Spotted Shorthorn Mini Cow can be fed every Clock 4 hours and consumes Feed 8 Feed each time. It will produce 21 Experience 21 XP and Clotted Cream 2 Clotted Creams.

Adult Red Spotted Shorthorn Mini Cow
100%Clotted Cream 2 Clotted Creams

Prized Details[]

After Feeding 45 Feedings the Adult Red Spotted Shorthorn Mini Cow will become a Prized Red Spotted Shorthorn Mini Cow. Now it can only be fed every Clock 18 hours and will produce 32 Experience 32 XP and Swiss Cheese 1 Swiss Cheese. The Prized Red Spotted Shorthorn Mini Cow can be sold for 2,000 Coins Coins.
