FarmVille 2 Wiki

Red Empire Dahlia Perfume

Red Empire Dahlia Perfume Ingredients:

Red Empire Dahlia 8 Red Empire Dahlias
Fragrance Oil 3 Fragrance Oils

Requires: Xp Level 7
Sell for: Coins 2,530 Coins
Reward: 18 Experience 18 XP

Full list of recipes required to make a Red Empire Dahlia Perfume

Red Empire Dahlia Perfume Red Empire Dahlia Perfume (x1) Red Empire Dahlia 8 Red Empire Dahlias Fragrance Oil 3 Fragrance Oils 18 Experience 18 XP

Cost of Ingredients in a Red Empire Dahlia Perfume

IngredientsSell Price
Red Empire Dahlia 8 Red Empire Dahlias Coins 496 Coins

Recipe Analysis

Total experence gained by making a Red Empire Dahlia Perfume from scratch is 18 Experience XP experience. Cost to make a Red Empire Dahlia Perfume based on sell price of ingredients is 496 Coins Coins giving a profit of 2034 Coins Coins. Total power used to make a Red Empire Dahlia Perfume is 1 Power. Total water used to make a Red Empire Dahlia Perfume is 8 Water  Water.


Coins per Water Coins per Water is 316.25 Coins per Power Coins per Power is 2530
XP per Water XP per Water is 2.25 XP per Power XP per Power is 18
Profit per Water is 254.25 Profit per Power is 2034

Additional Comments

Notes: The recipe analysis is only based on the XP earned by crafting - the XP earned by growing the crops and feeding animals to obtain ingredients is not included. Also the water used is only the number specified in the recipe and the water required to grow the Crops and Tree Produce - it does not include any water needed to grow crops to make feed to feed the animals.

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