FarmVille 2 Wiki

Red Bartlett Pear
Red Bartlett Pear
Resource Information
Requirement:Xp Level 111
Sell:Coins 947 Coins
Turn into Feed:Feed 11 Feed
Category:Trees, Fruits

Red Bartlett Pear is a Fruit in FarmVille 2 that can be harvested from Red Bartlett Pear Trees and sold at the Market Stand for Coins 947 Coins or crushed in the Feed Mill to make Feed 11 Feed for the Animals. It is also used in Recipes such as Red Poached Pears Red Poached Pears , Chocolate Dipped Pears Chocolate Dipped Pears and Caramelized Red Pears Caramelized Red Pears.

Recipes Including Red Bartlett Pear[]

Recipe Ingredients Level Coins XP
Caramelized Red Pears Caramelized Red Pears Red Bartlett Pear 6 Red Bartlett Pears Milk 16 Milk Sugar 16 Sugar 112 Experience 112 Coins 28,680 201 Experience 201
Chocolate Dipped Pears Chocolate Dipped Pears Red Bartlett Pear 4 Red Bartlett Pears Cocoa Powder 5 Cocoa Powder 120 Experience 120 Coins 9,280 48 Experience 48
Red Pear Sorbet Red Pear Sorbet Red Bartlett Pear 8 Red Bartlett Pears Sugar 5 Sugar 111 Experience 111 Coins 13,940 71 Experience 71
Red Poached Pears Red Poached Pears Red Bartlett Pear 6 Red Bartlett Pears Cinnamon Sticks 4 Cinnamon Sticks 112 Experience 112 Coins 11,340 58 Experience 58