FarmVille 2 Wiki

Pink Landrace Pig
Baby Landrace PigLandrace Pig
Cost Baby:Coins 7,000 Coins
Raise Baby Animal:Baby Bottle 8 Baby Bottles
Sell Baby:Coins 500 Coins
Sell Adult:Coins 1,000 Coins
Sell Prized:Coins 2,000 Coins
Mastery:Yellow Mastery Ribbon 55
Red Mastery Ribbon 90
Blue Mastery Ribbon ?
Feeds Required:Feed 8 Feed
XP Gained:5 Experience 5 XP
Resources:Mud Mud
Next Feeding:Clock 4 hours
Feeding until Prized:Feeding 50 Feedings
Feeding Prized
XP Gained:100 Experience 100 XP
Resource:Truffle Truffle
Next Feeding:?Clock 18 hours

The Pink Landrace Pig is an animal available in FarmVille 2. The baby Pink Landrace Pig is available for Coins 7,000 Coins. An adult Pink Landrace Pig is available for Farm Bucks 27 Farm Bucks, it will produce Mud 2 Mud and sometimes Fertilizer Fertilizer. The Baby takes Baby Bottle 8 Baby Bottles to make it grow up.

This pig is likely the coin version of the Yorkshire Pig, which was limited time available and was granted for free once. It only got added three stains on it's back end. The rest of it is the same in details.

Produced Resources[]

The Pink Landrace Pig can be fed every Clock 4 hours and consumes Feed 8 Feed each time. It will produce 20 Experience 20 XP, Mud 2 Mud and maybe Fertilizer 1 Fertilizer. Mud Mud can be used in the Kiln to make all kind of decorations.

Adult Pink Landrace Pig
?%Mud 2 Mud
?%Mud 2 Mud
Fertilizer 1 Fertilizer

Prized Details[]

After Feeding 50 Feedings the Adult Pink Landrace Pig will become a Prized Pink Landrace Pig. Now it can only be fed every Clock 18 hours and will produce 100 Experience 100 XP and Truffle 2 Truffles. Truffle Truffles can be made into Truffle Oil which is then used to make Rustic Truffle Oil Bread.


Mastery Amount Needed for Ribbon Reward
Yellow Mastery Ribbon 55 4 Speed-Feed Speed-Feed
Red Mastery Ribbon 90 6 Speed-Feed Speed-Feed
Blue Mastery Ribbon ? 10 Speed-Feed Speed-Feed