FarmVille 2 Wiki
FarmVille 2 Wiki

Pine Tree
Pine Tree
Requirement:Xp Level 6
Cost:Coins 5,600 Coins
Sell:Coins 98 Coins
Water Required:Water 6 Water
Growing Time:Clock 24 Hours
XP Gained:34 Experience 34 XP
Resource:Piece of Wood 6  Pieces of Wood

The Pine Tree is a tree available in FarmVille 2. The Pine Tree takes Water 6 Water and Clock 24 hours to become fully grown. Harvesting grants you Piece of Wood 6  Pieces of Wood and 34 Experience 34 XP.

A Piece of Wood Piece of Wood sells for Coins 98 Coins but cannot be crushed in the Feed Mill.

Produced Resources[]

  • Harvest from a visitor grants an additional Piece of Wood Piece of Wood.
  • Harvest of a fertilized tree grants an additional Piece of Wood Piece of Wood.
  • A tree placed in a grove with 3 of the same kind of trees grants an additional fruit per harvest.


  • From the end of January 2013 it can be bought from level 6 up. The time before it only could be unlocked after expanding to East Woodlands.
  • Price of Piece of Wood has dropped since start april from 133 to 98 coins.
