FarmVille 2 Wiki
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Papyrus Basket

Papyrus Basket Ingredients:

Papyrus 6  Papyri
Rope 6 Ropes

Power Needed: Power 2 Power
Sell for: Coins 1,530 Coins
Reward: 15 Experience 15 XP

Recipe Data

When making a Papyrus Basket, if you have any of the recipes below, they will be used before raw ingredients are used.

Recipe Ingredients
Papyrus Strips Papyrus Strips Papyrus 6  Papyri Experience XP 3

Price ingredients of Papyrus Basket would fetch at market

Ingredients Sell Price
Papyrus 6  Papyri Coins 378 Coins
Rope 6 Ropes Coins 600 Coins
Total Market Price of Ingredients: Coins 978 Coins
Profit Above Market Price: Coins 552 Coins
