FarmVille 2 Wiki

Katahdin Sheep
Baby Katahdin SheepKatahdin Sheep
Requirement:Xp Level 18
Raise Baby Animal:Baby Bottle 7 Baby Bottles
Sell Baby:Coins 1,850 Coins
Sell Adult:Coins 2,700 Coins
Sell Prized:Coins 5,400 Coins
Mastery:Yellow Mastery Ribbon 39
Red Mastery Ribbon 199
Blue Mastery Ribbon 471
Feeds Required:Feed 8 Feed
XP Gained:7 Experience 7 XP
Resources:Wool Wool
Milk Milk
Next Feeding:Clock 8 hours
Feeding until Prized:Feeding 60 Feedings
Feeding Prized
XP Gained:83 Experience 83 XP
Resource:Fine Sheep Fleece Fine Sheep Fleece
Next Feeding:?Clock 18 hours

The Katahdin Sheep is an animal in FarmVille 2, available as soon as Xp Level 18 has been reached. It can be bought from the General Store for Coins 27,500 Coins as a Baby or optionally for Farm Bucks 40 Farm Bucks as an Adult. The Baby takes Baby Bottle 7 Baby Bottles to make it grow up.

Produced Resources[]

It requires Feed 8 Feed and gives 7 Experience 7 XP when fed, produces some Wool 2 Wool, Milk 2 Milk and Fertilizer 3 Fertilizers. Like most other Sheep, it can be fed every Clock 8 Hours.

Adult Katahdin Sheep
?%Wool 2 Wool
Milk 2 Milk
Fertilizer 3 Fertilizers
?%Wool 3 Wool
Milk 2 Milk
Fertilizer 3 Fertilizers

Prized Details[]

After Feeding 60 Feedings the Adult Katahdin Sheep will become a Prized Katahdin Sheep. Now it can only be fed every Clock 18 hours and will produce 83 Experience 83 XP and Fine Sheep Fleece 1 Fine Sheep Fleece. The Prized Sheep can be sold for Coins 5,400 Coins.

Mastery Amount Needed for Ribbon Reward
Yellow Mastery Ribbon 39 2 Speed-Feed Speed-Feed
Red Mastery Ribbon 199 3 Speed-Feed Speed-Feed
Blue Mastery Ribbon 471 6 Speed-Feed Speed-Feed