FarmVille 2 Wiki

Honey Berry Ice Cream

Honey Berry Ice Cream Ingredients:

Honey Berry 12 Honey Berries
Milk 30 Milk
Sugar 10 Sugar

Power Needed: Power 11 Power
Requires: Xp Level 133
Sell for: Coins 43,000 Coins
Reward: 286 Experience 286 XP

Recipe Data

When making a Honey Berry Ice Cream, if you have any of the recipes below, they will be used before raw ingredients are used.

Recipe Ingredients
Half and Half Half and Half Milk 6 Milk Experience XP 4
Ice Cream Ice Cream Milk 6 Milk Sugar 2 Sugar Experience XP 12

Price ingredients of Honey Berry Ice Cream would fetch at market

Ingredients Sell Price
Honey Berry 12 Honey Berries Coins 13,488 Coins
Milk 30 Milk Coins 2,550 Coins
Sugar 10 Sugar n/a
Total Market Price of Ingredients: Coins 16,038 Coins
Profit Above Market Price: Coins 26,962 Coins
