FarmVille 2 Wiki
FV2-icon Ingredients which can be requested from Neighbours
Alfalfa Hay Basket
Black Pepper
Bromegrass Sheep Mix
Brown Sugar
Cajun Spice
Chanterelle Mushroom
Cinnamon Sticks
Clamshell Mushroom
Cocoa Nibs
Cocoa Powder
Confectioner's Sugar
Corn Starch
Ground Cloves
Melon Baller
Pickling Spice
Portobello Mushroom
Training Treat
Blue Toy Part
Boar Bristle
Butterfly Net Large
Butterfly Net Small
Chicken Training Page
Copper Sheet
Crafting Beads
Crafting Dye
Crafting Nail
Duck Leather Stamp
Duck Training Page
Green Twine
Empty Spool
Knitting Needle
Piece of Glass
Chain Link
Gold Dust
Jar of Clay
Paint Brush
Piece of Glass
Pink Pigment
Baby Bottle
Seeds /



Feed Feed is a consumable in FarmVille 2. It can be obtained after processing specific crops, flowers and fruits and tree products into the Feed Mill. It is mainly used to feed animals. The maximum amount of feed you can store is 25, but it can be increased by an additional 25 feed after building a Silo, by 35 by building a Goat Shelter or a Sheep Shack and by 50 by building a Prized Chicken Coop.

There is a glitch where you can get a negative number of Feed if you make it with the Feed Mill and you feed animals before picking it up.


  • An average land crop purchased for Coins Coins alone will produce Feed 24 Feed.
    • Excluding any crop with a requirement above Xp Level 100, an average land crop will produce only Feed 12 Feed.
    • Blackberry Blackberry will produce a fast early-game source of feed withFeed 8 Feed in only Time 2 minutes. Other early-game land crops are Turnip Turnip (Time 2 min) and Radish Radish (Time 3 min).
    • Strawberry Strawberry will produce the highest source of feed for a minimal cost, with Feed 10 Feed for only Coins 18 Coins, making 1.8 Coins per Feed. Other early-game land crops are Sunflower Sunflower (2.27) and Onion Onion (3.66).
    • Later on in the game, good crops that make feed are Red Pepper Red peppers (Xp Level 34; Feed 19 Feed), Asparagus Asparagus (Xp Level 45; Feed 18 Feed) and Raspberry Raspberry (Xp Level 55; Feed 17 Feed).
    • Zucchini Zucchini produces Feed 33 Feed.
  • An average water crop purchased for Coins Coins alone will produce Feed 14-15 Feed.
    • Excluding any crop with a requirement above Xp Level 100, an average water crop will produce only Feed 11 Feed.
    • Rice Rice will produce the fastest and most reasonable source of feed for a water crop, with Feed 5 Feed in Time 4 hours for only Coins 34 Coins.
    • The White Water Snowflake White Water Snowflake will produce the highest source of feed for a minimal cost, with Feed 14 Feed for only Coins 56 Coins, making 4 Coins per feed.

Feed can also be bought with Farm Bucks Farm Bucks.

Feed Feed Feed 5 Pack

Farm Bucks 1 Farm Bucks

Feedbag 15 Pack

Farm Bucks 2 Farm Bucks

Feedsack 25 Pack

Farm Bucks 3 Farm Bucks
