FarmVille 2 Wiki

There are many animals in FarmVille2 which can only be acquired by using Farm Bucks Farm Bucks to get them.

Some of them are only available for a limited time, others are standard animals which can be bought at any quantity (farm maximum permitting) for coins.

Farm Bucks 10 Farm Bucks are given for free at the start of the game, any other farm bucks will have to be bought with real money. Zynga (developer of the game) does give rewards at their blog which offers a way to get free farm bucks.

Animals-icon Farm Bucks Animals
Horses: Gypsy Horse Appaloosa Horse Chickens: Hubbard Chicken Ameraucana Chicken Pigs: Hampshire Pig
Cows: Ayrshire Cow Holstein Cow Goats: Pygmy Goat Ibex Ducks: Mallard Duck
Rabbits: Sealpoint Dwarf Rabbit Flemish Giant Rabbit Sheep: Portland Sheep Cheviot Sheep All Animals
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