FarmVille 2 Wiki

Broccoflower Pasta

Broccoflower Pasta Ingredients:

Broccoflower 10 Broccoflowers
Wheat 10 Wheat

Power Needed: Power 1 Power
Requires: Xp Level 7
Expires: January 16th, 2017
Sell for: Coins 2,500 Coins
Reward: 14 Experience 14 XP

Recipe Data

Price ingredients of Broccoflower Pasta would fetch at market

Ingredients Sell Price
Broccoflower 10 Broccoflowers Coins 620 Coins
Wheat 10 Wheat Coins 140 Coins
Total Market Price of Ingredients: Coins 760 Coins
Profit Above Market Price: Coins 1,740 Coins
