FarmVille 2 Wiki

Blue Astrex Rabbit
Baby Blue Astrex RabbitBlue Astrex Rabbit
Requirement:Crafting Corner
Cost Baby:20 Cash Farmbucks
Raise Baby Animal:Baby Bottle 8 Baby Bottles
Sell Baby:Coins 500 Coins
Sell Adult:Coins 1,000 Coins
Sell Prized:Coins 2,000 Coins
Feeds Required:Feed 8 Feed
XP Gained:20 Experience 20 XP
Resources:Wool Wool
Next Feeding:Clock 8 Hours
Feeding until Prized:Feeding 45 Feedings
Feeding Prized
XP Gained:21 Experience 21 XP
Resource:Fine Fleece Fine Fleece
Next Feeding:?Clock 18 hours

The Blue Astrex Rabbit is an animal that is available in FarmVille 2 as a prize for collecting all the feathers at the Crafting Corner. A baby Blue Astrex Rabbit can be bought for Farm Bucks 20 Farm Bucks after the first one has been won. The Baby Blue Astrex Rabbit takes Baby Bottle 8 Baby Bottles to become an adult.

Produced Resources[]

The Adult Blue Astrex Rabbit can be fed every Clock 8 hours and consumes Feed 8 Feed each time. It will produce 14 Experience 14 XP and Wool 2 Wool.

Adult Blue Astrex Rabbit
100%Wool 2 Wool

Prized Details[]

After Feeding 45 Feedings the Adult Blue Astrex Rabbit will become a Prized Blue Astrex Rabbit. Now it can only be fed every Clock 18 hours and will produce 21 Experience 21 XP and Fine Fleece 1 Fine Fleece. The Prized Blue Astrex Rabbit can be sold for 2,000 Coins Coins.
