FarmVille 2 Wiki

Resource Information
Sell:Coins 635 Coins
Turn into Feed:Feed 17 Feed
Category:Trees, Tree Products

Assegai is a Tree Product in FarmVille 2 that can be harvested from Assegai Trees and sold at the Market Stand for Coins 635 Coins or crushed in the Feed Mill to make Feed 17 Feed for the Animals.

Recipes Including Assegai[]

Recipe Ingredients Level Coins XP
Assegai Frame Assegai Frame Assegai 8 Assegais Piece of Glass 3 Pieces of Glass Experience Coins 8,250 47 Experience 47
Floral Curtain Holder Floral Curtain Holder Assegai 6 Assegais Wool 6 Wool Experience Coins 6,490 36 Experience 36